
Why Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a groundbreaking invention enabling seamless value transfers, much like sending an email. It represents a revolutionary financial paradigm, offering a decentralized, secure, and universally accessible monetary network free from centralization and manipulation.

Bitcoin empowers individuals with financial autonomy and property rights, maintaining resilience amidst geopolitical and economic uncertainties due to its decentralized nature. Its energy-intensive Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism, far from a flaw, transforms energy into a valuable digital commodity, promoting carbon-neutral solutions and resilient power grids. This sets Bitcoin apart from other blockchains, which lack physical energy ties and often have centralized control, making them prone to manipulation.

Our investment in Bitcoin companies is driven by our belief in its potential to democratize finance, optimize energy use, and empower individuals.

Generational Market Opportunity

The rise of Bitcoin marks a unique investment opportunity in companies built around it. With network adoption comparable to the early internet, it’s one of the fastest-growing technologies, handling over $20B in daily transactions with 1 million active users.

Bitcoin’s hashrate, reaching 450 exahashes per second in 2023, demonstrates its integration with global energy grids and role in sustainable energy consumption. The increasing difficulty of producing Bitcoin underscores its value and scarcity.

Achieving a $1 trillion market capitalization in 2022 faster than any other asset, Bitcoin is now a major focus for mainstream financial institutions, governments, and energy companies. Its growing market presence and functionality as both a store of value and a unit of exchange put it at the center of a vast global wealth pool.

As Bitcoin integrates with global economic and energy systems, the potential for innovative companies in this sector is immense. Our position at the forefront of this evolution places us and our partners at the heart of this transformative opportunity.

What we invest in

Layer 0 – Energy, Mining & Advanced Computing

The Bitcoin network is fundamentally anchored by what we term as “Layer 0” – the Energy, Mining & Advanced Computing layers. We proactively channel investments into both hardware and software innovations emerging at this intersection, optimizing energy use and computational efficiency.

Layer 2+ – Lightning Network & Scalability

Built on top of Bitcoin’s base layer, the Lightning Network represents the future of instant, low-cost, and scalable transactions – envision millions per second or real-time money streaming. We invest in companies that bring transformative applications to life, from seamless micropayments to global remittances.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI offers a paradigm shift in optimizing the Bitcoin ecosystem. We actively seek companies that are intertwining AI with Bitcoin to unlock these next-level advancements.

Financial Services

Bitcoin is the gateway to the future of modern finance. We drive the shift towards a universally accessible financial ecosystem by backing fintech ventures focused on serving the banked, un-banked and underbanked alike.

Privacy & Security

Bitcoin promises data integrity and digital trust. We invest in businesses enhancing the Bitcoin network’s privacy and security.

Layer 3 – Decentralized Applications (dApps)

Bitcoin and its Layer 2 protocols herald a new era of applications – dApps. Designed to challenge conventional systems, these dApps champion enhanced transparency, fewer intermediaries, and superior user autonomy. We’re enthusiastic about backing innovators pioneering dApp development within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Synergies with Our Portfolio

We prioritize investments that harmonize with our existing portfolio, be it through product integrations or as customers/suppliers. This strategy amplifies success, driving innovation and reinforcing portfolio resilience.